Post 8: Urban Sustainability

Although I did not like the teaching methods of the teacher who taught this class (which sometimes made it a bit tedious), I did like the topics that were covered in it. Urban sustainability interests me a lot, even before. For me it has always been important to follow practices that help improve the environment. Thanks to this class, I realized that I can generate more than a small contribution, I can make a real and significant change by planning new cities of the future that are more aware of their surroundings, analyzing and evaluating the environmental impacts of human action on the territory in general, and his urban-architectural interventions in particular.

The class focuses on the performance of the architectural and urban planning activity; considering environmental urban planning criteria. In fact, with my work group, we had to present a final project (in which we worked all semester) where we had to apply a sustainable urban planning strategy to a quadrant of Santiago. We analyze aspects such as mobility, energy resources, urban morphology, etc. We implement sustainable systems that would allow an improvement not only in the environment, but also in urban habitability, creating urban planning focused on people and not on motorized transport, as has been evidenced in recent decades. This is how we learned that it is up to us as architects of the future to generate these long-awaited changes, generating and planning more sustainable and environmentally friendly cities.


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