Post 2: The best holidays ever in Montreal

In July 2019, my friends and I went to Montreal, Canada. The truth was not something planned but it happened very spontaneously. One of this group of friends (school friend and his aunt was the principal) lives there and that month he had returned, so we met one night to talk and see each other after a long time.  There, his mother told us that his sister (the principal of our elementary school) was going to Montreal with a disabled children's foundation and since she knew we were good dancers, she joked that she could talk to the principal so we could help and go with them, but we didn't take it very seriously.  But a while later my friend's mother came back telling us that she had talked to her sister and that the next day we had to show up at the foundation to start rehearsals. So that way and raising money from some events, we were able to travel with them to Montreal.

For me it was a bit challenging, it was the first time I traveled abroad without my family, but it was entertaining, I was also able to put my English into practice, since we had a long layover in Miami, at the airport I talked to many Americans (I hate to call them that way... we are also from America 😤) but outside most of the people were migrants, so most of the time I spoke in Spanish... I must admit that I hated Miami haha the weather was suffocating, it was a humid heat that would not let me breathe and made me feel sticky all the time. The only good thing was the shopping (everything is very cheap). Anyway, in Montreal it was more difficult to communicate, since there is spoken in French.

At first I didn’t have a great time, because we would only be there for a week and all we did was rehearse, but with my sister and the other girl in our group, became friends with the other group that was performing and they who were residents there invited us to a Latin festival at the Olympic Stadium Montreal. It was great, we met some of their friends and when they knew we were Chilean like them, they got so excited, they invited us for food and drinks, then they took us to know the city (Montreal is a nightlife city, it's amazing) it was one of the best nights in my life, the experience was terrific!! ...We arrived in the early morning and were scolded a lot, but I don't regret anything. 


The days that remained, they would go for us to have lunch together and get to know other places. The architecture was beautiful, it was a mixture between buildings in New York and in other areas it was as if it were in France (especially in Quebec).


From that trip I keep the memories of the last days, which despite being few, I enjoyed them to the fullest. I met great people and had wonderful experiences.


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